Church Posts (Page 56)

Church Posts (Page 56)


We share our announcements on this cold blustery winter day!!  We praise God for His protecting hand on our lives as many of our church family were caught in the clipper storm yesterday afternoon.  We ask for your prayers for Austin VonNeida, grandson of Chick & Louise VonNeida of our church family.  Austin was in an automobile accident on his way from school yesterday afternoon, 1/20.  He spent the night at Geisinger Medical Center but was released this morning.  He…


Good afternoon friends!  I apologize for not having posts for several weeks.  I just returned to the office after battling the flu.  My prayers are with everyone who has been hit with the flu.  If you know of someone who is ill, make a pot of chicken soup and place it on their doorstep.  Make sure you let them know you the soup is on their doorstep!! 1/18-20-  Reality Student Ministry Winter Jam & Winter Retreat.  They will be departing…

The Distracted Church

Sunday will be the third Sunday in our series from the Book of Revelation. For each of the next seven Sundays, we will be reading about one of the Seven Churches to which God sent a message to the Churches through the Angel and John. The First Church we will study is the Church at Ephesus. This is a church that had many things going for it yet had lost out on the most important things and were being called…

A Great Vision

The Book of Revelation is a great and amazing Vision that God sent to John while he was banished to the island of Patmos. Its message was written specifically to the seven churces which were located inland from the Island of Patmos where John was being held as a Roman prisoner. On Sunday, we are going to enter into this great Prophetic Vision to see what God said to the Churches in the 1st Century and even more importantly, look…

Heavenly Additions

I am sitting at my desk this morning and thinking about three very special people who have passed into heaven in the past two weeks: Paul Roush, Marietta Raker, and Rosie Roush. Each one of them loved the Lord deeply and had a great faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are so precious to many of us and even more so to the God who has prepared a place for them in heaven. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear…

Upcoming Work and Witness Trip

On Saturday January 19th  a team of 12 men and women will be leaving  to build a church in a rural area of Belize. It’s not too early to start praying for the people of Belize, and also the team from here at home. Please be in prayer for following team members. Scott  Shambach    Terry Shambach    Trina Shambach      Tim Moyer Dennis Snook          Tim Carr         Heidi Carr               Timmy Carr David Showalter      Aaron Harvey    Ron Hartung      Sue Hartung                                       


Happy New Year!!  May God’s richest blessings be yours in 2013.                             Lord, thank you for holding my hand in 2012, for leading me inYour paths.                   Establish my steps today and throughout 2013 that I may walk in a way that is pleasing to you. We would like to let our church family know that to date we have received $2,753.36 for “Wells for India.”  Thank you for your support of this extended ministry. 1/2/2013  Join us this evening for our…

Book Of Revelation Sermon Series

Greetings Church Family! I hope that you have had a good Christmas Season and will have a very Happy New Year. I am excited about our New Sermon Series that begins next Sunday morning, January 6th. I will be preaching from the first chapter of the Book of Revelation. Over the next nine weeks, we will be studying the first three chapters of this great book of prophecy and words to the Church. We will begin this Sunday with an…


We trust all of you had a very Merry Christmas as you met Jesus at the Manger.  May God’s richest blessings be your in 2013!! Just a reminder that all Wednesday evening activities for tonight, December 26th have been cancelled.  We will resume our regular schedule of Wednesday activities on 1/2/13.  After school program from 3:10-6:45 at the Youth House, followed by Reality Student Ministries  @ 7:00.  Adult Bible Study in the sanctuary @ 7:00pm and also our Caravan program @ 7:00pm. Join…